Home   M.E. Card to Mary Liz Sutton  
August 25, 1992

The rest of the summer and fall were spent on preparations for the wedding,looking for a place to live, buying furniture and essentials for housekeeping parties,etc. On Oct. 11 I bought my wedding dress at L. Bamberger's in Newark. On the 14th we signed the lease for our first home at 4018 Bleigh St. in the Mayfair section of Phila. Our 'phone number was Ma.4-6009. We lived there for 9 and a half years, during the war, the births of Eddie, Jr. and Carolyn and Eddie's back problems etc.

Nov. 25th, 1939 was a typical cold, blustery Nov. day. Every thing went well. Father C.J. Kane performed the ceremony in our home at 100 W. Milton Ave. My sister, Carolyn was maid of honor. Eileen, Charlotte, Jeannette and Dottie Sutton were honorary attendants. There were about 50 people at the house. I think there were about 200 at the reception held at the Colonia Country Club. Eddie has written about the wedding trip.

next: Our Life in Mayfair